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 Our mission

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4 participants
Petit Bezef
Petit Bezef

Nombre de messages : 3
Age : 37
Domaine D'études : Relation international
Date d'inscription : 16/01/2008

Our mission Empty
MessageSujet: Our mission   Our mission Icon_minitimeMer 16 Jan - 21:32

time to time we ask our selfs is true that every one from us is a player in hard play that have a mission he must complet it and there is no scene for repetition and every act count on you .
the question is what is our mission ?
specially with this luscious life
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Petit Bezef
Petit Bezef

Nombre de messages : 26
Localisation : constantine
Domaine D'études : ST 2em année
Date d'inscription : 19/12/2007

Our mission Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Our mission   Our mission Icon_minitimeVen 25 Jan - 20:02

Well,lets talk about our mission in life from the religions point of view(since we're

muslims),Allah said in the holey Koran("wama khalaktou el jina wel inssa ila

liyaaboudoun"),unfortunatly some people,if we dont say the big majority of peole think

that"al 3ibada" is just making the five prayers and so on,well they're totaly wrong,cause

the benifit of being muslims is that every thing we're doing in our daily life,with a

simple"NIYA" we can earn the fogivniss of Allah,that "niya" is to put in our mind that we're

doing this for Allah,just for him aint fo no one else,i'll give an example,we're student,any

one can ask how can we do this in our case?how can we put Allah as the main goal of our


well,we believe that Koran is from Allah right?we believe that we're biden to do every thing

writen in that holy book right?as (at least)every body know that the first statment of the

koran was "ikra bismi rabika alathi khalak",so we're ought to apply that statement,i can

tell you how,when you're going to study,put in your mind that you're doing what Allah bade

you to do,like this you'll not just succeed in your studies,but you'll succeed in the

hereafter too.

we can apply this in every lifes area,just put your god in your mind,and believe me,with the

testimony of a lot of people ALlah will never ever let you down,just have faith on him,have

faith that he'll support you,have faith that he'll lead you to the right place,and every

thing gonna be Alright inchallah.
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Nombre de messages : 214
Age : 35
Date d'inscription : 18/08/2007

Our mission Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Our mission   Our mission Icon_minitimeJeu 6 Mar - 18:25


Thank you Chouaib.
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Nombre de messages : 128
Age : 99
Localisation : Constantine
Domaine D'études : Architecture / Traduction
Date d'inscription : 17/08/2007

Our mission Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Our mission   Our mission Icon_minitimeVen 7 Mar - 1:28

chouaib a écrit:
Well,lets talk about our mission in life from the religions point of view(since we're

muslims),Allah said in the holey Koran("wama khalaktou el jina wel inssa ila

liyaaboudoun"),unfortunatly some people,if we dont say the big majority of peole think

that"al 3ibada" is just making the five prayers and so on,well they're totaly wrong,cause

the benifit of being muslims is that every thing we're doing in our daily life,with a

simple"NIYA" we can earn the fogivniss of Allah,that "niya" is to put in our mind that we're

doing this for Allah,just for him aint fo no one else,i'll give an example,we're student,any

one can ask how can we do this in our case?how can we put Allah as the main goal of our


well,we believe that Koran is from Allah right?we believe that we're biden to do every thing

writen in that holy book right?as (at least)every body know that the first statment of the

koran was "ikra bismi rabika alathi khalak",so we're ought to apply that statement,i can

tell you how,when you're going to study,put in your mind that you're doing what Allah bade

you to do,like this you'll not just succeed in your studies,but you'll succeed in the

hereafter too.

we can apply this in every lifes area,just put your god in your mind,and believe me,with the

testimony of a lot of people ALlah will never ever let you down,just have faith on him,have

faith that he'll support you,have faith that he'll lead you to the right place,and every

thing gonna be Alright inchallah.

chouaib ; " Holy Quran " " Forgiveness "
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Petit Bezef
Petit Bezef

Nombre de messages : 26
Localisation : constantine
Domaine D'études : ST 2em année
Date d'inscription : 19/12/2007

Our mission Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Our mission   Our mission Icon_minitimeVen 7 Mar - 18:55

You're welcome Perla(thats a personal point of view)

and InterArchi,thanks man,i hadnt payed attention to those Two big mistakes :p,but i guess you focus on my faults more than what im about to say,Very Happy,anyway,i hope my response was a little bit usefull...
Revenir en haut Aller en bas

Nombre de messages : 128
Age : 99
Localisation : Constantine
Domaine D'études : Architecture / Traduction
Date d'inscription : 17/08/2007

Our mission Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Our mission   Our mission Icon_minitimeVen 7 Mar - 20:13

chouaib a écrit:
You're welcome Perla(thats a personal point of view)

and InterArchi,thanks man,i hadnt payed attention to those Two big mistakes :p,but i guess you focus on my faults more than what im about to say,Very Happy,anyway,i hope my response was a little bit usefull...

i'm sorry ... but the language must be well spoken that's all

i swear im too busy with my studies, my studies that dont finish... take care man
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Petit Bezef
Petit Bezef

Nombre de messages : 26
Localisation : constantine
Domaine D'études : ST 2em année
Date d'inscription : 19/12/2007

Our mission Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Our mission   Our mission Icon_minitimeMar 11 Mar - 9:12

yeah thats right,well rabi ykoun m3ak wm3a all the students here,Smile
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MessageSujet: Re: Our mission   Our mission Icon_minitime

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