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 Do you like English ??

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7 participants

Nombre de messages : 128
Age : 99
Localisation : Constantine
Domaine D'études : Architecture / Traduction
Date d'inscription : 17/08/2007

Do you like English ?? Empty
MessageSujet: Do you like English ??   Do you like English ?? Icon_minitimeMer 29 Aoû - 17:18

Salam ... Here I am, I'm here for you.. I wish that you are all getting well and having fun, that you are all enjoying your life

Can any one of you tell me why does he love English ? and why he considers that English is such an important language ?

Any way you are free to say what you want ...... PEACE and LoVe
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Maitre supreme
Maitre supreme

Nombre de messages : 817
Date d'inscription : 17/08/2007

Do you like English ?? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Do you like English ??   Do you like English ?? Icon_minitimeMer 29 Aoû - 17:24

Hi hichem n hi everybody out there , euh english represents for me personnaly a big thang ! a lot of memories , plus it's the world's first lungage , and as a student i think that every one from us should learn it ! without limit ! here i think that we can learn some togather !
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Nombre de messages : 215
Age : 36
Localisation : Constantine
Domaine D'études : Français
Date d'inscription : 30/08/2007

Do you like English ?? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Do you like English ??   Do you like English ?? Icon_minitimeDim 9 Sep - 10:54

Hye everybody
I hope that you are doing, for me english language is very important in my life scratch that's true that I choose french language in my studies because I'm much better in french then english
But I love english because I have friends whom talk english and I learnt many things about them and about the english culture
That's interesting too because it is a languege of culture and civilisation
lol! lol!
See you
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Maitre supreme
Maitre supreme

Nombre de messages : 817
Date d'inscription : 17/08/2007

Do you like English ?? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Do you like English ??   Do you like English ?? Icon_minitimeDim 9 Sep - 11:16

That's all right dear Nadira... English is very important , even U study French but it's so necessary to learn English , in reality all lungages are linked ich one to the other...And Interarchi is our teacher lol! lol!
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Nombre de messages : 215
Age : 36
Localisation : Constantine
Domaine D'études : Français
Date d'inscription : 30/08/2007

Do you like English ?? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Do you like English ??   Do you like English ?? Icon_minitimeDim 9 Sep - 16:03

constagangsta a écrit:
That's all right dear Nadira... English is very important , even U study French but it's so necessary to learn English , in reality all lungages are linked ich one to the other...And Interarchi is our teacher lol! lol!
scratch Interarchi??? I hope that he is gentel Suspect because I have always problems with the teachers of english Suspect they are not ggood enough lol! lol! just joking lol!
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Maitre supreme
Maitre supreme

Nombre de messages : 817
Date d'inscription : 17/08/2007

Do you like English ?? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Do you like English ??   Do you like English ?? Icon_minitimeDim 9 Sep - 23:07

raihane_el_jana a écrit:
constagangsta a écrit:
That's all right dear Nadira... English is very important , even U study French but it's so necessary to learn English , in reality all lungages are linked ich one to the other...And Interarchi is our teacher lol! lol!
scratch Interarchi??? I hope that he is gentel Suspect because I have always problems with the teachers of english Suspect they are not ggood enough lol! lol! just joking lol!
No seriously Hichem is a gentle teacher , in a funny way ! gotta test it ! and U will make your own opinion !
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Nombre de messages : 215
Age : 36
Localisation : Constantine
Domaine D'études : Français
Date d'inscription : 30/08/2007

Do you like English ?? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Do you like English ??   Do you like English ?? Icon_minitimeMar 11 Sep - 19:20

So Mr, Hichem, when will you start teaching us??
I'm waiting scratch but you will have many problems because of me Crying or Very sad english teachers don't like me because I'm much better than them Twisted Evil Twisted Evil Twisted Evil yes that's true lol! lol!
I'm ready lol! lol!
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Nombre de messages : 214
Age : 35
Date d'inscription : 18/08/2007

Do you like English ?? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Do you like English ??   Do you like English ?? Icon_minitimeMer 24 Oct - 20:54

Hello everybody!!

Let me have my share conserning this topic.

First,the English language is spoken or read by the largest number of in the world.

However,i think that its wide use is due to its specifics qualities and characteristics.

One of the most importants aspects of English is the easy way with which it has taken elements from other languages.

Personnaly, English is my favorit language and i hope to learn it more..

See you
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Maitre supreme
Maitre supreme

Nombre de messages : 817
Date d'inscription : 17/08/2007

Do you like English ?? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Do you like English ??   Do you like English ?? Icon_minitimeMer 24 Oct - 23:23

perla a écrit:
Hello everybody!!

Let me have my share conserning this topic.

First,the English language is spoken or read by the largest number of in the world.

However,i think that its wide use is due to its specifics qualities and characteristics.

One of the most importants aspects of English is the easy way with which it has taken elements from other languages.

Personnaly, English is my favorit language and i hope to learn it more..

See you
waw ! look at this ! perla speakin' about english , for sure your'e allright perla , aned like U said , It's my favorit langage too , But the problem in english is all about phonetic I mean prononciation , lotta people find their selves face to this kind of problems !! because english ain't spoken by the same way all over the world !! but a funny langage deseves always to be greedy about learnin' it !! peace
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Nombre de messages : 214
Age : 35
Date d'inscription : 18/08/2007

Do you like English ?? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Do you like English ??   Do you like English ?? Icon_minitimeJeu 25 Oct - 12:49

Personnely, i haven't probleme in phonetic..,i think that it's not very difficult,just if we really want it we cant do it!!

Another thing,i find English prononciation very enjoyable and swetty.
Very Happy
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Nombre de messages : 128
Age : 99
Localisation : Constantine
Domaine D'études : Architecture / Traduction
Date d'inscription : 17/08/2007

Do you like English ?? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Do you like English ??   Do you like English ?? Icon_minitimeVen 2 Nov - 22:12

perla a écrit:
Personnely, i haven't probleme in phonetic..,i think that it's not very difficult,just if we really want it we cant do it!!

Another thing,i find English prononciation very enjoyable and swetty.
Very Happy

allah ybarek im very happy for what im reading right now... cheers
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rose of purity
Petit Bezef
Petit Bezef
rose of purity

Nombre de messages : 3
Age : 35
Domaine D'études : Medecine
Date d'inscription : 06/11/2007

Do you like English ?? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Do you like English ??   Do you like English ?? Icon_minitimeVen 9 Nov - 20:02

many hellos for u all an special hello to u interArchi;
the begining of ur msg made me thinkin that u r singin " here i am , this is me , there's no where else i'd rather be , here i'am.... lol!
or the song of " here i am , rock u like a hurricane lol!
any way it's a nice starting cheers
am well goin , hope every one here too.
ur question touched me a lot coz am livin a big love story with english lol! , i really love it lol! readin listenin, speakin an every thing coz they say " inna el mohibba liman youhibbou la tabi3on lol!
but if i go to precise the reason , .... i dont know exactly just like this , but the thing that made this story durin long n longer is that i really know that it's the most important language , most used and understood in the world , i it's really my passport to contact people from alover the world , then it's the way that every searcher follow ( am one of them lol! ) , the results r more important than usin any other language ( this is an advice 4 u all , but special for those who study in scientific fieled , like med study
these are the big lines
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Maitre supreme
Maitre supreme

Nombre de messages : 817
Date d'inscription : 17/08/2007

Do you like English ?? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Do you like English ??   Do you like English ?? Icon_minitimeVen 9 Nov - 23:36

waw !! a true english speaker lol , haya where is english subjects !! we R waitin' !
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Nombre de messages : 128
Age : 99
Localisation : Constantine
Domaine D'études : Architecture / Traduction
Date d'inscription : 17/08/2007

Do you like English ?? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Do you like English ??   Do you like English ?? Icon_minitimeLun 12 Nov - 22:11

"" many hellos for u all an special hello to u interArchi """

thank you so much littel rose and ur welcome ... u can pick up my msn and add it to ur list if u like farao we can be easily friends farao

for all the others ... U missed me all of you ... im working hard this days to get prepared my first project ... that's why i dont appear so much in here.

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Nombre de messages : 164
Age : 35
Localisation : At home
Domaine D'études : Anglais
Date d'inscription : 22/08/2007

Do you like English ?? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Do you like English ??   Do you like English ?? Icon_minitimeVen 16 Nov - 21:51

hi guys and ladies I hope you're doing well these days
I'm glade to see people from different branches speaking English,it's very nice.
So for me English is a very intrestin' language and it's very important too coz we may need it perhaps we'll go to USA or England????? Cool
but the thing which make me deslike English is the prononciation of some words and also the lack of vocabulary.Even if I've some problems with English,I really like it coz for me it's like a game I play with the prononciation of words for example I try to speak like black people or sometimes I insult people in English geek and it's a plasur coz they don't undertand lol! it's very beaur'ful.
so no matter what we study it's important to learn if you want to learn it just contact me ok and you'll see that no one is better than you lol lol!
see you soon and take care of you
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Maitre supreme
Maitre supreme

Nombre de messages : 817
Date d'inscription : 17/08/2007

Do you like English ?? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Do you like English ??   Do you like English ?? Icon_minitimeVen 16 Nov - 22:33

speakin' about black community prononciation , i think that is completely different !! for exemple californian black people use another way to write words and makin sentences for exemple ask them to tell you when will they be there they say it in this way aks em' to tell ya when they be there
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Nombre de messages : 215
Age : 36
Localisation : Constantine
Domaine D'études : Français
Date d'inscription : 30/08/2007

Do you like English ?? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Do you like English ??   Do you like English ?? Icon_minitimeVen 16 Nov - 22:44

Hello everybody, I hope that you rae doing well
So, I'm sorry Cause I know I will make some mistakes because I forgot the english linguage Suspect Suspect I study french and my teacher of english is bad (sorry but it's the truth) Suspect but I'm trying to be better by speaking english with my sister (she is a teacher of english) scratch
Well take care and keep smyling my friends lol! lol!
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Petit Bezef
Petit Bezef

Nombre de messages : 26
Localisation : constantine
Domaine D'études : ST 2em année
Date d'inscription : 19/12/2007

Do you like English ?? Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Do you like English ??   Do you like English ?? Icon_minitimeJeu 20 Déc - 15:52

Well,thats my first comment and i hope it will be usefull to share my ideas about english,so for those who find some difficulties in prounonciation,let me give some advices,practicing your english is the only way to be better in that side,i mean by practicing language:having conversations with a native english speakers,or at least some one who is really good in this,(from what i've read in the first page,InterArchi is ready to help,i dont know the way he talk in english,but i guess his offer to help mean that he is good)so its an example,make some conversations with that guy,or i have another idea,we can have a conference in english in skype or something like this,we can share our knowledge about that language,its just an idea,if you have a better one,dont hesitate to tell us about it,the main thing is anyhow the way you chose to reach a good level in english,you should practice it!
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Nombre de messages : 128
Age : 99
Localisation : Constantine
Domaine D'études : Architecture / Traduction
Date d'inscription : 17/08/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: Do you like English ??   Do you like English ?? Icon_minitimeJeu 20 Déc - 19:20

chouaib a écrit:
Well,thats my first comment and i hope it will be usefull to share my ideas about english,so for those who find some difficulties in prounonciation,let me give some advices,practicing your english is the only way to be better in that side,i mean by practicing language:having conversations with a native english speakers,or at least some one who is really good in this,(from what i've read in the first page,InterArchi is ready to help,i dont know the way he talk in english,but i guess his offer to help mean that he is good)so its an example,make some conversations with that guy,or i have another idea,we can have a conference in english in skype or something like this,we can share our knowledge about that language,its just an idea,if you have a better one,dont hesitate to tell us about it,the main thing is anyhow the way you chose to reach a good level in english,you should practice it!

again it's me ... he speekS dont forget my dear S

and thanks for what 've said .. the day will come and u'll discover me ... don't worry man .. i know what i'm doing may god keep you all for all, for each other ... thank u
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