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 english is the most itressting language

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Petit Bezef
Petit Bezef

Nombre de messages : 8
Age : 36
Domaine D'études : lettres anglaises
Date d'inscription : 23/10/2007

english is the most itressting language Empty
MessageSujet: english is the most itressting language   english is the most itressting language Icon_minitimeVen 2 Nov - 17:49

personally i think that english is the sweetest and the most easy language that i have learned at all because it daesnt need much of efforts in learnin it a some precedent basic things n little more of will nd u ll be not good i prefer sayin in a an average levelin it u see it is very simple but the only thin that may face u that u have to improve it howwwwwwwwwwwww Question is an important question i ll tell u dont be impatient it is really easy by waching tv programes in english of course Laughing such documantaries movies also on the web there are a lot of useful web sites i think that with this method u can some how help urself in makin ur english much better i advice u to learn it n u ll see how it is intressting i wish that this instruction may please u tryyyyyyyyyyy n see urs faithful RANDA see u soon flower
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english is the most itressting language
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